Couch to 5K for Cellists Week 8: Attainment

By Miranda Wilson

The Ancient Greek version of C25K. Image credit: Wikimedia Commons

C25K Week 8, Day 3. The final workout! Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog 3 miles (or 30 minutes).

The task ahead didn’t seem as striking as the fact I’d toughed out C25K for the full eight weeks and not given up. I don’t usually quit things I’ve started (look at what profession I’m in!), but this was different. I started C25K because I had some messy feelings to process: bad childhood memories of exercising, the desire to set a good example for my daughter, and some struggles with anxiety and depression.

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Couch to 5K for Cellists Week 7: Many Repetitions

By Miranda Wilson

Or, as I would describe it, actual footage from Dante’s Inferno. Image Credit: Wikimedia Commons

All three days of Week 7 of C25K are the same. Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog 2.5 miles (or 25 minutes).

The fast-slow-fast-slow phase is over. All that remains is to run for long stretches until it becomes habitual and I can add more. That’s OK, I’m good at creating habits.

As I got more and more into this running thing, several runner friends said encouraging things to me. Common theme: “It’s not hard, it’s just one foot in front of another.”

“Yes,” I whined, “but you’re capable of putting one foot in front of another for entire marathons. I feel like I’m going to die after twenty minutes.”

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Couch to 5K for Cellists, Week 6: The Steps To Possibility

By Miranda Wilson

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then: Jog 1 mile (or 10 minutes); Walk 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes); Jog 1 mile (or 10 minutes.C25K app, Week 6 Day 2.

After last week’s realization that progress doesn’t always go in a straight line upwards, I felt much less pressured to get faster or be better at running.

So far, I haven’t made a habit of previewing the next running assignment on the app, preferring to open it only when I’ve put on my workout clothes, stretched, and tied my running shoes. Week 5 Day 3 was therefore a surprise: “Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then jog two miles (or 20 minutes) with no walking.”

Twenty. Minutes.

My first thought was “I can’t do this!”

Continue reading “Couch to 5K for Cellists, Week 6: The Steps To Possibility”

Couch to 5K for Cellists, Week 5: Non-Linear Progress

By Miranda Wilson

After last week’s emotional meltdown when Week 4 of C25K brought up some unpleasant memories that I’d rather forget, it was time to have a serious conversation with myself about whether I was going to keep doing this. Was I enjoying myself yet? No. Was I better at running yet? No.

So if you’re not having fun and you’re not getting good (and, to be scrupulously honest, you’re the kind of overachiever who only enjoys things they’re good at), why keep on keeping on?

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